Are the comments, views and likes real or done by bots?
We provide 100% manual work.
What is the delivery time?
We recommend you to use realistic time frame. It looks naturally! If you need urgent implementation let us know.
My video has been banned. What to do now?
If you promote anything illegal (Keygen, Warez or Adult) that violates YouTube's TOS, your video is under a high risk. Make sure of that before placing the order.
My comments have been deleted. Will you replace them?
If your comments have been deleted we will replace them again. Contact us in Skype or Email about replacing if you notice it.
Why YouTube views stick at 301 views?
After a video reaches a certain number of views, YouTube tells the database to freeze the view count until YouTube can manually verify the correct count to protect against botting attempts i.e. using automated computer processes to artificially inflate the number of views.